
Thursday 17 October 2013

Progressing Well

An afternoon visit to our eagle chick today revealed she is doing fine, and appears to have accepted her new PTT with no problems. Here you can see her sitting on the nest, with the transmitter and aerial just visible on her back (as shown by the arrows). A freshly killed rabbit was visible on the edge of the nest cavity indicating adult eagles are continuing to deliver prey. The rate of eaglet development never ceases to amaze me – it was only 2 days ago that I saw her but already more of the down feathers on her head have been replaced by juvenile feathers. In order to further monitor her progress and observe natural behaviour (flapping, preening, feeding, etc)  while ‘hidden’, we built a hide overlooking the nest site, completing the finishing touches of camouflage just on dusk. Over the next few days I will try and spend some time inside to further confirm the PTT is not restricting the eaglet’s development in any way. Watch this space!

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