
Thursday 26 December 2013

Finding Her Wings

Can you see the eagles there in the sky? Just squint and the dots become eagle-shaped! This amazing snapshot of Kuyurnpa (green dot on the right) shows how much she has progressed since fledging over a month ago. Today at noon, while most Australians tucked into those Christmas leftovers, Kuyu was soaring at 1600m above the ground, accompanied by her mother! This is the first time she has ever been recorded over 1 km up! The other green dots show her progress earlier today before reaching this altitude, and the red ones are those of Gidjee. This mother-daughter team were at the same height at noon today, although they were nearly 1 km apart (but could probably see each other with no problems!).

It seems like only yesterday that Kuyu was still sitting on her nest atop the ridge, seemingly marooned on this tiny island in the vast outback. The first few weeks of tracking data post-fledging showed her moving 'from tree to tree', in a south-easterly direction away from her nest - but now Kuyu is really expanding her home range and covering about one-quarter of the area that her mother Gidjee travels. Here's a quick map of Kuyu's progress, the pink icon showing the nest where her journey began. Where to next? More coming soon!

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