The second round of Crowdfunding which aims to raise money for TWO MORE GPS/Satellite transmitters, ends in only SEVEN DAYS! If you or anyone you know of are willing and able to contribute, please spread the word about this campaign:
Wedgie Tracking - from Simon Cherriman on Vimeo.

This website has been set up as part of a community education project which allows YOU to follow the movements of Wallu, the first ever Wedge-tailed Eagle to be satellite tracked, and other eagles subsequently satellite-tagged in Western Australia. This exciting and pioneering study, which now forms part of Simon Cherriman's PhD project, aims to shed light on aspects of a unique Australian eagles' ecology which have never before been researched.
CROWDFUNDING SUCCESS!! Thank you SO MUCH to all the wonderful supporters who jumped on board and made this campaign successful. We will now be tracking more eagles next year - watch this space1